7 Things You Need to Know About Butterfly Knives

There are many knives around, but butterfly knives are the most spectacular. A butterfly knife is a very unique knife having two handles and one blade. It is one of the best self defense knives and a knife to play tricks with. All in all, it is a fantastic all rounder knife. There are some facts to know about this knife. 1. Knives With Two Handles First of all, a butterfly knife is a knife with two handles. This is what makes it unique. It features two handles and one blade. These two handles are moveable and foldable. You can fold the handles together to close the knife. Also, you can connect them other way around to make a thick handle. 2. Concealable Fixed Blade The knife may feature two handles, but it has just one blade. This is a fixed blade and can’t be moved or folded. When the two handles are folded or closed together, the blade is concealed or hidden between them. This is a sturdy and powerful blade that can be used for heavy duty cutting work. 3. ...