Butterfly Knife Trainer is a Safe Tool for Practice Knife Tricks!

Butterfly knives are a very specific type of blade that most people don't use on a day-to-day basis. These blades have a handle on both ends so they resemble the wingspan of a butterfly and have become one of the defining symbols in pop culture. Originally designed for Chinese string puppetry and stage magic, these blades are now popular tools for knife throwing performances or juggling. What's great about this style is that it’s lightweight, which is perfect for those who want to juggle with their blade or want to throw them around without fear of an accident occurring. Balisong Knife Trainer Practice is essential for anyone who wants to get better with knives. But practicing with a more expensive, nicely made blade is a waste of time and money when you could be using one that's specifically designed for practicing and training. That's why the Butterfly Knife Trainer was created. It has a rubberized handle which not only improves grip but also prevents...